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Monthly Archives: October 2016

Maine Medical Center v. Burwell

(United States First Circuit) – In a dispute between the Secretary of Health and Human Services and eight Maine hospitals, involving the ‘often surreal’ Medicare reimbursement regime and the system through which the federal government reimburses hospitals for charity care, so-called disproportionate share payments (DSH…

Moore v. Mercer

(California Court of Appeal) – In a negligence action arising out of a car collision, the trial court’s judgment in favor of uninsured plaintiff is affirmed where: 1) Howell v. Hamilton Meats & Provisions, Inc. (2011) does not cap a plaintiff’s damages to the amount…

People v. Accredited Surety

(California Court of Appeal) – In an appeal of an order and judgment in favor of the People following forfeiture of surety-defendant’s bail bond under Penal Code section 1305 is affirmed over the surety’s contention that the court erred by denying its motion to vacate…

Charles Haley Jersey